“Gabriel looked ou at the water for a moment. "Love is rare.""Yes" Scarlet looked at the lake as well. "But always worth pursuing."Gabriel nodded. "Always.”
“Calm down, Braveheart." Gabriel searched through the weapons. "I'm trying to find something not quite as fatal as...a scythe? Really?"Gabriel held the wicked half-moon blade up and looked at Tristan. "What are you, the Grim Reaper?""Yes. Yes, Gabriel. I'm the Grim Reaper. You caught me. I drive around in my car full of weapons collecting souls.”
“Tristan was looking at him again."What are you looking at?" Gabriel snapped.Tristan was trying not to smile. "You tell me."Gabriel rolled his eyes. "Quit being a girl.”
“Gathering wool, are we? (Ewan)Nay, merely practicing irritating you, and by the looks of your face, I’d say I’m doing a rather remarkable job of it. My mother always says that any effort worth pursuing is worth pursuing well. (Nora)”
“a trained bus thrower like Gabriel, or Robin Hood wannabe like Scarlet, or a ninja assassin like Tristan”
“Carstairs is alright, I suppose. If you like that sort.”“Oh?”“The taken. The uninterested.”“As opposed to… you, Gabriel?”“Well, yes.”