“Lydia was the kind of friend whom people referred to as a 'party favor' -- always fun to be around but she doesn't have any patience for suffering unless it's her own.”
“Have patience; the lovers will suffer lovers always suffer.”
“Lydia had met Stephen on a breast cancer charity fun run. She hadn't wanted to go on a fun run, because as far as Lydia was concerned, the words 'fun' and 'run' never, ever belonged in the same sentence.”
“In the sentence “She’s no longer suffering,” to what, to whom does “she” refer? What does that present tense mean?”
“My kind of fun just doesn't include making fun of vertically challanged people”
“These things, she felt, were not to be passed around like disingenuous party favors. She kept an honor code with her journals and her poems. 'Inside, inside,' she would whisper quietly to herself when she felt the urge to tell...”