“I nearly had a cakegasm at the table. My eyes rolled back in my head, and I moaned. "Sweet Christ." I opened my eyes to find Hunter watching me with the strangest expression on his face."What? It's really good; you should try some," I said, pushing the plate at him. It was a testament of how embarrassed I was about the cakegasm that I was even sharing at all."I swear, if there weren't a table between us, I would be kissing you right now. And none too gently."I put my form down and swallowed so I wouldn't choke. "You didn't seem to mind about the recliner," I said. "True. But there wan't an audience, and that's a very ugly recliner. This is a very nice table. Also there is glass and sharp things I wouldn't want hurting you.""Good point. Please, have some.""If you're going to make that noise and that face again, I don't know if I can let you have any more.""I'll be good. I swear.""You're not good. That's the problem.""You're right. I'm not," I said, giving him my own smirk. "I do try, though.""Cruel. That's the word to describe you right now.""Just have some cake.”

Chelsea M. Cameron

Chelsea M. Cameron - “I nearly had a cakegasm at the...” 1

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