“You see, sometimes when you work by yourself in a field such as ours, it helps to share knowledge among professionals. I'm not saying that we watch one another's back or anything, because we don't. It's more of a back-scratching than a back-watching affair, as in, "You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours." Officially, none of us has ever heard of any of us.”
“Sure, that's what I mean,' Doc Daneeka said. 'A little grease is what makes this world go round. One hand washes the other. Know what I mean? You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours.'Yossarian knew what he meant.That's not what I meant,' Doc Daneeka said, as Yossarian began scratching his back.”
“Letter from Mr. B:Why does a back scratch feel better coming from somebody else than if you do it yourself?”
“Because sometime, somehow, the god spoke your name. You took a step too far and here you are. None of us can ever go back. Even if we wanted to.”
“You know cats, always scratching on this or that, but never scratching what you want when you want it. (Like my balls, when they’re itchy!) I recently got him declawed, which sucked for him, but it was great for me because I was tired of always biting his fingernails back when he was nervous.”
“We’ve come to kill Zarek of Moesia, and if you get in our way, little girl, we’re going to kill you. (Otto)I’ll be damned. He speaks. Or rather growls. (Jess)But not for long if he doesn’t watch his mouth. For the record, Squire, it would take more man than you to even scratch me. (Syra)I live for a woman who scratches. Just make sure you keep it on the back, baby. I don’t like scars. (Otto)”