“He smiled. A sub shouldn’t be terrified, but a little anxiety was good.”
“And why should it not be terrifying? A little terror, in my view, is good for the soul, when it is terror in the face of a noble object.”
“I really shouldn’t leave,” Zach said, terrified what would happen the second he found himself alone with Nora.“Come on, Zach. This party sucks and not in the good way. I’ve had pap smears more fun than this.”Zach covered a laugh with a cough.“I must admit you do have a way with words.”
“You shouldn’t never regret something that made you smile”
“What are you looking at, foreigner?” the guard demanded roughly. The smile was a little unsettling. A prisoner shouldn’t smile at his captors like that.“I’m just making sure I can remember you,” Gilan told him. “Never know when that might be useful.”
“When he pulled away, he smiled kindly at me. I felt so good, I'll admit I teared up a little. I guess until that moment I hadn't allowed myself to realize just how terrified I had been the last few days."Dad-""Shhh," he said. "No hero is above fear, Percy. And you have risen above every hero. Not even Hercules-”