“-Do you love this girl ?-I'm fucking crazy about her.-Fucking crazy I've gathered. But I asked if you love her. I'm talking true, enduring, unconditional, hold-her-hair-while-she's-pucking-from-the-morning-sickness love.”
“I smile at her. "You're an angel.""Nah," she says."I'm just a girl crazy in love.”
“First I thought she was crazy. Now I'm crazy about her.”
“I know I'm acting crazy but I'm in love with this girl. Major love. And I have no idea what to do about it, so it's messing with my sanity.”
“I'm not sure if i believe in love at first sight or any of that shit. But i know that sitting there in a room with half-retarded motherfuckers drooling from their lithium and Trazodone, whatever I felt, it was close. Like I had this need to hold her, protect her bones from her parents or drugs or whatever wouldn't let her sleep and night, and i wanted her to think i was funny and sexy and smart and beautiful, just fucking beautiful. Sitting there while the tech introduced us to her, I wanted to be better than I was, not just to fuck this girl, but to be better for her. Guess that's a good enough definition of love.”
“I don’t know who she is, or, if she will ever love me or not. But, I’m falling for her, in just one meeting. Is love at first sight for real? No, no, this is so unreal. Will she love me? Maybe love is unconditional. God… I’m crazy… I’m in love.”