“Time only counts when you have a purpose”
“Courage only counts when you can count.”
“When you know that everything matters—that every move counts as much as any other—you will begin living a life of permanent purpose.”
“Count the number of times you have spoken. And really meant what you have said. Count the number of times you have chosen to keep quiet instead.”
“Remember then: there is only one time that is important-- Now! It is the most important time because it is the only time when we have any power. The most necessary man is he with whom you are, for no man knows whether he will ever have dealings with any one else: and the most important affair is, to do him good, because for that purpose alone was man sent into this life!”
“When guns are outlawed, only the Government will have guns. The Government - and a few outlaws. If that happens, you can count me among the outlaws.”