“I couldn't tell if I was perspicacious or paranoid.”
“I couldn't tell her. I couldn't tell anyone. As long as I didn't say it aloud, it wasn't real.”
“Oh, this beast? It's...perspicacious loris. 'Perspicacious' meaning 'wise or canny'.""Get stuffed," Bovril said, then giggled."And it insults people," Telsa said. "How peculiar.”
“Just because we don't understand why they'd cover up something doesn't mean they aren't," Bobby said, and we both turned to look at him. "Now you just sound paranoid," I said. "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not after you," Bobby said with an expression so serious that I couldn't help but laugh.”
“I couldn't tell the difference between what was real and what I wanted to be real.”
“I suppose I'll always be over-vulnerable, slightly paranoid.”