“The ideal of warriorship is that the warrior should be sad and tender, and because of that, the warrior can be very brave as well.”
“I apply the warrior energy to the blues by tapping into the ancient job of the griot class.That wasn’t a job you did because someone said you had to do it;you did it because that’s what you did.It was your right as a person.In terms of warriorship,you had to stand up and do what was right,what you were born to do……In warriorship you have to be very present,very aware of where you are,where you’ve been and where you’re going.Part of what a warrior does,the compassion and generosity of warriorship,is to get the door open and hold it open for other people to come through.That means the warrior is often out there alone.Sometimes the door closes behind you and you don’t know it happened.Then you have to stop,put the guitar down,go back and get a wedge,and get the door open again,so..people can hear the music. You can’t be afraid,no matter what’s going on.”Taj MahalAutobiography of A Bluesman”
“But not one tear did I shed for their delight. I was her brave warrior, brave as the warriors who marched through my dreams.”
“Warriors are warriors not because of their strengh, but because of their ability strengh to good purpose”
“It makes me sad, sad inside, to see a warrior without his pride. ”
“The bravest are the most tender; the most loving are the warriors...Its a yin-yang thing. Trust me!”