“The real question is: How sturdy and solid is the floor our civilization stands on? How many lives with no prospects, shattered and senseless, can it bear the weight of before it cracks somewhere or other, splits at the joints?”
“How many times can a heart be shattered and still be pieced back together? How many times before the damage is irreparable?”
“How many more burdens do you think you can bear alone? How many more years can I go on alone, without you? Our days are filled from dawn to dusk, honey, but our lives are empty.”
“With the weight of four thousand years of cannibalism bearing down upon me, even if I was once innocent how can I now face real humans?”
“You're wrong.The question is not"How many times can your heart be broken?" The question is"How many times can it heal?”
“I have to believe in possibility. How else can we bear the enormous weight of life?”