“Apparently, fate was intent on making this a teaching moment. The lessons? You never become immune to new pain, you don't get credit for old pain and it ain't up to you to decide when you've had your share of it.”
“The thing about growing old is that when you wake up with a new pain, you can just about count on it becoming a permanent part of your life!”
“Life teach you lessons and those lessons are very painful.”
“If you cannot love the pain, you can at least love the lessons it teaches”
“It's odd that you can get so anesthetized by your own pain or your own problem that you don't quite fully share the hell of someone close to you.”
“Old pain doesn't completely die. Time may soothe it, stoke over it until it looks like it has healed, but it never dies properly. It stays with you, it lives in the cracks of your soul, waiting for moments when you feel true pain”