“The real knife to a man's heart was his woman's tears.”
“The heart is like a woman, and the head is like a man, and although man is the head of woman, woman is the heart of man, and she turns man's head because she turns his heart.”
“Music should strike fire from the heart of man, and bring tears from the eyes of woman.”
“The power of a woman is in the tears she sheds, and the power of a man is wiping those tears while shedding his own.”
“Take pride away from a man and you might as well run a knife through his heart.”
“Be very careful if you make a woman cry, because God counts her tears. The woman came out of a man's rib. Not from his feet to be walked on. Not from his head to be superior, but from the side to be equal. Under the arm to be protected, and next to the heart to be loved.”