“What if I can't do this, Gregori?" She sounded close to tears. "What if I can never do this?""No one is making you do anything, ma petite," he replied gently, kissing her stomach. "We are just exploring possibilites.""But,Gregori," she tried to protest, attempting to bring his head back up so that he could see her very real fear for him, for their life together."If I cannot persaude you otherwise, mon amour, I am not much of a lifemate, now am I?" The words were muffled in the tight silky curls, the intriguing little triangle at the apex of her thighs."You don't understand,Gregori." Savannah closed her eyes against the waves of fire racing through her. "It's me who is no real lifemate.I don't know how to please you, and I'm so afraid of this.""Relax,bebe." He breathed warm air against her, inhaled her scent. "You please me far more than you will ever know.”

Christine Feehan

Christine Feehan - “What if I can't do this, Gregori?... 1

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Christine Feehan
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Christine Feehan
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“And you might also remember you are the greatest healer among us. That is unchallenged by anyone.""I am the greatest killer, also unchallenged." He tried to give her truth again.She touched his hard mouth. "I will hunt with you then,lifemate."His heart slammed against his ribs. Her smile was mysterious, scretive, and so beautiful,it broke his heart. "What is behind this smile,bebe." His hand caught and spanned her throat, his thumb brushing her lips in a gentle caress. "What do you know that I do not?" His mind slipped into hers, a sensuous thrust, the ultimate intimacy, not unlike the way his tongue sometimes dueled with her-or his body took possession of hers.She was familiar with his touch in her mind. She knew he tried to keep its invasiveness to a minimum. He allowed her to set the bounderies and never pushed beyond any barrier she erected, even though he could do so easily. Both of them needed the intimate union of their minds merging, Savannah as much as Gregori. And her newfound knowledge of him was secure behind a miniature barricade she had hastily erected. Wide-eyed and innocent, she looked at him.His thumb pressed into her lower lip, half mesmerized by the satin perfection of it. "You will never hunt vampires, ma cherie, not ever.And if I were ever to catch you attempting such a thing,there would be hell to pay."She didn't look scared. Rather, amusement crept into the deep blue of her eyes. "Surely you aren't threatening me,Dark One, bogey man of the Carpathians." She laughed softly, a sound that feathered down his spine and somehow took away the sting of that centuries-old designation. "Stop looking so serious, Gregori-you haven't lost your reputation entirely. Everyone else is still terrified of the big bad wolf."His eyebrows shot up. She was teasing him. About his dark reputation, of all things. Her gaze was clear and sparkling, hinting at mischeif. Savannah wasn't railing against her fate, of being tied to him, a monster. She was too filled with life and laughter, with joy. He felt it in her mind, in her heart, in her very soul. He wished it could somehow rub off on him,make him a more compatible lifemate for her. "You are the only one who needs to worry about the big bad wolf, mon amour," he threatened with mock gravity.She leaned over to stare up into his eyes, a smile curving her soft mouth. "You cracked a joke, Gregori. We're making progress.Why,we're practically friends.""Practically?" he echoed gently."Getting there fast," she told him firmly with her chin up,daring him to contradict her."Can one be friends with a monster?" He said casually, as if he were simply musing out loud,but there was a shadow in his silver eyes."I was being childish, Gregori, when I made such an accusation," she said softly, her eyes meeting his squarely.”

Christine Feehan
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