“So nerds rule.”
“Did you just say 'nerd'?""Not a 'nerd' - node.""Oh.”
“Nerds get what they want when they want it, and they go psycho if it's not immediately available. Nerds overfocus. I guess that's the problem. But it's precisely this ability to narrow-focus that makes them so good at code writing...”
“It's about average for us. Behavior always draws more than survey. We're the sexy ones,' Nate said with a grin.Amy snorted. 'Oh, yeah, you guys are the Mae Wests of the nerd world.'We're action nerds,' Nate said. 'Adventure nerds. Nerds of romance.”
“Teenage girls engage in emotional reasoning, which is the belief that if you feel something is true, it must be true. If a teenager feels like a nerd, she is a nerd....There is a limited ability to sort facts from feelings. Thinking is still magical in the sense that thinking something makes it so.”
“I'm the queen of the nerds.”