“Just like when there's a time that a smart person knows enough is enough, there's a time when you know you've got to fight.”
“There comes a time when you're losing a fight that it just doesn't make sense to keep on fighting. It's not that you're being a quitter, it's just that you've got the sense to know when enough is enough.”
“Cute" is one of those words people use when they know you're smart enough to realize "you've got so much personality" means "you're ugly.”
“There's times a woman's just got to fight, even if she knows it's a losing battle.”
“It never seemed fair that just when you're old enough to do anything you want, you can't. You have to start working, so there's no time. And if there is time, you're not working, so there's no money.”
“Maybe you don't like your job. Maybe you didn't get enough sleep. Nobody likes their job; nobody got enough sleep. Maybe you just had the worst day of your life. You know there's no escape and there's no excuse, so just suck up and be nice.”