“What I've learned, Mia, and what my grandmother always said, is that the whole point is wishing and remembering - not if what you want happens, not if remembering hurts. Because when you wish for something, you're asking. And when you ask, you're trying. And all everyone can really do is try, right?”
“But we made a pact that night to try. To stay true to ourselves and each other. It's what you have to do when you're a girl. Stick together. Remember what you love. And stay true.”
“I know it's not easy for you, living this life, but try to remember, always try to remember, you're not the only one with troubles.”
“When it's all over, you're remembered for what you did, not what you said you were going to do.”
“No, it's just like when you're dead and you try to remember being alive, it'll be like thinking of winter on the hottest day of the year. You'll know it's true, but you won't really believe it.”