“Only bad shepherds use entrances other than the door. Didn't your mother teach you anything?""Yes, she did. That you're a troublemaker.”
“Like when the counselor delved into your habits of using a public toilet, such as do you flush with your foot and use your elbow to open the door? If yes, woe unto you. You're crazy.”
“I'll teach you," Tiger Lily offered with a shrug of her shoulders."Did your mother teach you?" he asked."I don't have a mother," she said. "Like you."For some reason, Peter was glad to hear it.”
“Did you just roll your eyes at me?""Yes, I did and you better get used to it if you're going to say stupid things.”
“A brick could be used as a response when the cops ask you if you murdered your mother-in-law. Forget yes or no. Well, forget yes altogether, but use brick for every response except one: What object did you use to carry out the killing? ”
“No back doors! I had a back door, but every fucker who thought he was bad wouldn't use the front door because everyone knows that if you're bad, you slip out through the back. I boarded it up - use the front door like everybody else.”