“Kurogane: That's what you want, isn't it? Underneath that constant grin, you're keeping everyone away. So that nobody gets involved with you. But look. Just now you checked to see if the kid had a fever, and you're relieved that the princess doesn't see the wretched condition of this world. And in the last country, you used your magic.Fai: *smiling* I said it, didn't I? I wasn't going to die. And so...Kurogane: Yeah, but that was all about you not dying on your own account. Dying for somebody else... That's a whole new question. Back then, if you hadn't done anything, we would have been captured, and if we handled it wrong, we might have died. But you decided to use magic on your own. You involved yourself in their lives.Fai: *no longer smiling, looks depressed* I... I don't want to make anyone unhappy because of their involvement with me. ”


Clamp - “Kurogane: That's what you want, isn't it...” 1

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