“He[Tom] read from the Almenak."'The song that the Vigil Snake sings is in fact one immensely long word; the longest in the ancient language of the species. It is so long that an individual can sing it for a lifetime and never come to the end of it.'""That sounds like a Kleppism to me," Geneva said. "How would they ever learn it?""Good question," said Tom. "Maybe they're born with it, like a migration instinct?"'"Born with a song,"said Geneva.Tom smiled. "Yes. Don't you like that idea?""Liking it and having it be true aren't the same thing, Tom.""Huh. Sometimes you need to let things strike your heart and not your head, Geneva.”

Clive Barker

Clive Barker - “He[Tom] read from the Almenak."'The song...” 1

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