“Dear Heart, please go away.”
“Breaking away from Gideon with some reluctance, Sophie rose to her feet and dusted off her dress. "Please forgive me, my dear Mr. Lightwood- I mean Gideon- but I must go and murder the cook. I shall be directly back.”
“Please forgive me, my dear Mr. Lightwood--I mean Gideon-- but I must go and murder the cook. I shall be directly back.”
“Dear God,I hurt. Please hold me.Amen”
“Oh,' said the little girl, 'my head's on your heart; I can hear it going. What a big heart you've got, father dear.”
“Oh, Hazel is awesome," Don Said. "She's so nice! All the other campers are like 'Go away Don.' But she's like 'Please go away, Don.' I love her!”