“I've learned some thing about my heart.It can break.It can ripped apart.It can harden and freeze.It can stop. Completely.It can shatter in to million pieces.It can explode.It can die.The only thing that made it start beating again?The moment you open your eyes”
“Things can harden meaningfully in the moment of indecision”
“I've learned one thing: you can only really get to know a person after a row. Only then can you judge their true character!”
“Some feelings sink so deep into the heart that only loneliness can help you find them again. Some truths are so painful that only shame can help you live with them. Some things are so sad that only your soul can do the crying for them.”
“One thing I've learned is it's better to be addicted to things than people. You get hooked on a thing and if someone takes it from you, you can find another source. Only people can really hurt you. Only people can push you out into the cold permanently.”
“if something is there, you can only see it with your eyes open, but if it isn't there, you can see it just as well with your eyes closed. That's why imaginary things are often easier to see than real ones.”