“I'm only telling you on the truth," he said. "If you can't stand the truth, don't ask for it.”
“The first duty of every Starfleet officer is to the truth, whether it's scientific truth or historical truth or personal truth! It is the guiding principle on which Starfleet is based! If you can't find it within yourself to stand up and tell the truth about what happened, you don't deserve to wear that uniform!”
“Pain can't make me tell you. Truth serum can't make me tell you. Simulations can't make me tell you. I'm immune to all three.”
“If you're being honest, you don't have to tell THE truth. Only God knows THE truth.”
“You can't lie a lifetime,son. Either you gon' tell the truth, or the truth's gon' tell on you”
“Tell me why you're so hard to forget. Don't remind me, I'm not over it. Tell me why, I can't seem to face the truth, I'm just a little too not over you.”