“It's amazing and sad what we have to do to survive sometimes.”
“Sometimes we are given exactly what we need. The precise people that you need the most come stumbling into your life. Sometimes you don't notice, and this is very sad. Sometimes you lose them again. This is sad too, but not as sad. Because what you have once had together you have forever.”
“As a survival instinct, people have selective sight. Sometimes we do not perceive what we should because it will break us inside. We can't break. We must stand strong for the world is a cruel place and the only want to defeat its wickedness is to pretend that it does not harm us.”
“People will do amazing things to ensure their survival.”
“Sometimes it's the scars that remind you that you survived. Sometimes the scars tell you that you have healed.”
“There isn't a definite right and wrong anyway. Sometimes we do what seems wrong, but we have good reasons for doing it, so it's not wrong after all.”