“The ugly fact is books are made out of books, the novel depends for its life on the novels that have been written.”
“The novel is the one bright book of life. Books are not life. They are only tremulations on the ether. But the novel as a tremulation can make the whole man alive tremble.”
“Clearly she knew that between book lovers, a novel is not a novel is not a novel. It's a symbol, an offering -- and sometimes a test”
“It's my contention that each book creates its own structure and its own length. I've written three or four slim books. It may be that the next novel is a big one, but I don't know.”
“[T]he only luxury he allows himself is buying books, paperback books, mostly novels, American novels, British novels, foreign novels in translation, but in the end books are not luxuries so much as necessities, and reading is an addiction he has no wish to be cured of.”
“They didn’t have novels back then. (Tory)History says they didn’t have books, yet what’s this thing in my hand? It’s square, bound paper that’s been written on. Looks like a book to me. (Acheron)Thank you, Captain Sarcasm. How nice of you to join us again. (Tory)”