“Time, it seemed, was not our enemy after all. It was just air and space and hours. Anything worth having was able to withstand it.”
“The first time I flew, it was being alive. Nothing was pressing under me. I was living in the fullness of air; air all around me, no holding place to break the air spaces. It's worth everything to be alone in the air, alive.”
“Funny that. We live in islands of Hours and we never seem to have time enough for anything...”
“It was our favorite part of the day, this in-between time, and it always seemed to last longer than it should--a magic and lavender space unpinned from the hours around it, between worlds.”
“Anything worth doing, is worth doing all the way. Just know you'll have to live with all the choices that you make.”
“I had to teach myself that love was very much like a painting. The negative space between people was just as important as the positive space we occupy. The air between our resting bodies, and the breath in our conversations, were all like the white of the canvas, and the rest our relationship- the laughter and the memories- were the brushstroke applied over time.”