“Let your confidence reflect your contentedness.”
“Do not hide your light for fear of what others may think of you. Let it shine and be a reflection of what is possible.”
“Listen to people; nothing is accomplished if you dismiss other viewpoints. And of most importance: be confident. Have confidence in yourself. Have confidence in your resume—in your skills and in your qualifications. Be willing to learn.”
“Your inability to see the wisdom in someone else is not a reflection on their lack of perspicacity, it is a reflection on yours.”
“Believe me, you have to have a certain confidence in your powers of descretion to let a dentist loose with a drill in your mouth less than an hour after you've...um...entertained his wife.”
“Your actions must reflect your goals in order to experience true success. Don't just wish, DO! Don't just dream, BE! Let today be the day you create a plan and follow it.”