“Puddleglum is the name. It doesn't matter if you forget it, I can always tell you again.”
“Puddleglum's my name. But it doesn't matter if you forget it. I can always tell you again.”
“You are a name, not a number. Never forget that name, whatever they tell you here. You will always be Chaya—life—to me.”
“You can't tell the audience — well, you can, but I don't like to tell the audience — that anything they're watching doesn't matter.”
“I can't forget you, any more than I can forget my own name." He kissed me then, and the world which no longer mattered, completely fell away.”
“Yes, I know,' interrupted Puddleglum. 'And few return to the sunlit lands. You needn't say it again. You are a chap of one idea, aren't you?”