“A red eight-sided sign always means: A) Stop. B) Go. C) Danger! Red octogons ahead!”
“to find why this sheep's wool was red; and the prize was awarded to a learned man of the North, who demonstrated by A plus B minus C divided by Z, that the sheep must be red, and die of the rot.”
“Mosquito snobs sit on STOP signs trying to get out all the red.”
“Love must be extraordinarily powerful for so many people to ignore dangerous, red, blaring warning signs - or not to be able to see them at all until it is too late.”
“That was totally his fault-Kenji's.. He tried to cross on red.. You ignore the signal, you'll get hurt. every kindergartener knows.. red means stop." -Slam Dunk”
“My future, it almost looks like Christmas—red and green—stop and go.”