“I should mention, by the way, that LVR stands for Luminal Velocity Regulator. I suppose it could also stand for Large Venezeulan Rats, but in this case it does not.”
“These reports that are not explained by natural phenomena or exploding outhouses are known as UFO's, which is the official abbreviation for Unidentified Flying Objects. I suppose it could also stand for Uncommonly Fat Orangutans, but in this case it does not.”
“Instead of a Lemonade Stand, I should open up a “You know what I can’t stand?” Stand. I’ll sell rants in small, medium, and large.”
“I couldn't stand it. I still can't stand it. I can't stand the way things are. I cannot tolerate this age.”
“They were standing in a very large room. The floorboards stretched in a pale expanse at their feet. There was so much dust on the floor that it had a pearly sheen.”Even you could not nap on this floor,” Kami told Angela.”I don’t know, a dust mattress might be very comfortable,” said Angela. ”Also possibly orthopedic.”
“What’s next to my bed? One night stand, though personally I find them morally outrageous, not to mention the danger from STDs.”