“christ alive we're abit of a mess arent we?”
“... we did decide to trust Christ, but the reason we made that decision is that God had first made us spiritually alive. ... God comes to us when we're spiritually dead, when we don't even realize our condition, and gives us the spiritual ability to see our plight and to see the solution in Christ. God comes all the way, not partway, to meet us in our need. When we were dead, He made us alive in Christ. And the first act of that new life is to turn in faith to Jesus.”
“We're the ones who arent normal. People are supposed to be like that: obedient, calm, working together. It's us-who can't focus, who can't work together, who can't do the Feeder or Shipper jobs-we're the ones who aren't normal. We're the ones who have to take the mental meds just so we don't go loons.”
“Why don't we have a little game? Let's pretend that we're human beings, and that we're actually alive.”
“It's how we know we're alive," ginger said. "We grieve the dead.”
“We're going to start walking again. We can't stand still, you know. Not as long as we're still alive.”