“The type of person who will always be your friend, for as long as you can stand to keep disappointing her.”
“As sure as water's wet and days are long and a friend will always disappoint you in the end.”
“And this was your friend?" Cordelia raised her eyebrows. "Seems to me the only difference between your friends and your enemies is how long the stand around chatting before they shoot you.”
“You will manage to keep a woman in love with you, only for as long as you can keep her in love with the person she becomes when she is with you.”
“You're the only person I've ever met who can stand a bookstore as long as I can.”
“It was quite a wedding and as I stood there watching I realized something I'd forgotten a long time ago. Sometimes in life there really are bonds formed that can never be broken. Sometimes you really can find that one person who will stand by you no matter what. Maybe you will find it in a spouse and celebrate it with your dream wedding. But there's also the chance that the one person you can count on for a lifetime, the one person who knows you sometimes better than you know yourself is the same person who's been standing beside you all along.”