“The world's a puzzle; no need to make sense out of it." - Socrates”
“For a child, it is in the simplicity of play that the complexity of life is sorted like puzzle pieces joined together to make sense of the world.”
“But even if religion makes no sense to you, you need to make sense of religion to to make sense of the world.”
“Socrates said the perfect society would be based on a great lie. People would be told that lie from the cradle, and they would believe it, because human beings need to make order out of chaos.”
“Peter used to say that an artist’s job is to make order out of chaos. You collect details, look for a pattern, and organize. You make sense out of senseless facts. You puzzle together bits of everything. You shuffle and reorganize. Collage. Montage. Assemble.”
“It makes no sense. Please, help me. I need it to make sense.”