“Philosophers' Syndrome: mistaking a failure of the imagination for an insight into necessity.”
“By the grace of that God all disappointments, failures, mistakes, even tragedies become part of the winding path of our lives, given as turning points, and loaded with divine insight - should we care and have the strength to see.”
“Mistakes were mistakes, and failures were failures. Why torment someone with memories of their past?”
“Consistency is a virtue for trains: what we want from a philosopher is insights, whether he comes by them consistently or not.”
“Failure is not fatal nor that you are finished but the result of unfinished product waiting to be reproduced, reprocessed and polished. Failure is that you have learned your omissions, mistakes or what you did not do right or well at the last attempt. You can transform failure into a fortune by dealing with what went wrong. Failure is only a product of uncorrected mistakes.”
“...You mistake other people’s success as your own failure...”