“Yes, Minister, it turns out that there was a mysterious force that caused that plane to crash. We call it gravity.”
“Amigo! Amigo!" (Calling out to the ITALLIAN Prime minister....)”
“was i leaving a life that, if snuffed out in a plane crash, would leave a sweet aroma representative of what matters most?”
“You'll figure it out! You get on your plane and I'll get on mine. And we'll see which one crashes!”
“...There might be a problem, What is that, Minister, We shall find ourselves obliged to put staff there to supervise the transfers, and I doubt whether we will be able to count on volunteers, I doubt whether that will be necessary, Minister, Why, Should anyone suspected of infection turn blind, as will naturally happen sooner or later, you may be sure, Minister, that the others who still have their sight, will turn him out at once, You're right, Just as they would not allow in any blind person who suddenly felt like changing places, Good thinking, Thank you, Minister, may I give orders to proceed, Yes, you have carte blanche.”
“That smile of hers could seriously crash planes.”