“We make deals with the devil every day, metaphorically.”
“In every person, there is a doer and a devil. With every passing days, the doer dies and a devil has to rise.”
“there is one thing more dangerous then making a deal with the devil, that thing was me”
“Sometimes a deal with the devil is better than no deal at all.”
“When we are born we are magical and loving and full of wonder. But darkness and ignorance surround us at every corner. Until the day someone calls us a monster or a devil and we believe them.”
“You know, I’ve never understood it. They make a deal with the devil herself and then expect me to bail them out of every minor scrape. Then when I show up to help them, they cop an attitude and tell me to blow. So if I’m selfish for wanting four days a year to be left alone, then I’m just a selfish bastard. Sue me. (Acheron)”