“Here was my epicness, because despite how things turned out, I wouldn't be anywhere else. I wouldn't want anyone else to take care of her. To watch her sleep.”
“And all of us watching her are standing there staring at her. . .and no one who knows what they’ve just witnessed wants to make eye contact with anyone else alive. . . .”
“I want to make a splash in the world, and I want to make one with my dry wit. My dry wit is wetter than you’d imagine.”
“Never fuck anyone you wouldn't want to be.”
“Some days I want to put my head in the sand. There's too much pain out there, there's too much that scares me. But I wouldn't be able to breathe with my head in the sand, and I wouldn't be able to hear or see or smell. The world is a lovely place...despite the sadness it holds for each of us, despite the terrible things we do.”