“Fortunately, the Internet is a really angry place filled with really angry people, many of whom come positively unglued when not subject to the social consequences of face-to-face interaction.”
“You were really angry, if I remember correctly," I gasp."Anastasia, I'm always really angry.”
“Are there books about us or something?” This makes Pressia angry - the idea that this world is a subject of study, a story, instead of filled with real people, trying to survive.”
“They know what to say if spoken to. They laugh really; they get angry really; while I have to look first and then do what other people do when they have done it.”
“Other people have faces; Susan and Jinny have faces; they are here. Their world is the real world. The things they lift are heavy. They say Yes, they say No; whereas I shift and change and am seen through in a second. If they meet a housemaid she looks at them without laughing. But she laughs at me. They know what to say if spoken to. They laugh really; they get angry really; while I have to look first and do what other people do when they have done it.”
“Zeus looked like a really buff, really angry hippie.”