“There was a sudden, shocking sound that echoed through Garion's head like an explosion."What was that?" Zakath exclaimed."You heard it, too?" Garion was amazed. "You shouldn't have been able to hear it!""It shook the earth, Garion. Look there." Zakath pointed off toward the north where a huge pillar of fire was soaring up toward the murky, starless sky. "What is it?""Aunt Pol did something. She's never that clumsy..."Belgarath and Beldin were both pale and shaken, and even Durnik seemed awed."She hasn't done anything that noisy since she was about sixteen," Beldin said,m blinking in astonishment. He looked suspiciously at Durnik. "Have you gone and got her pregnant?”

David Eddings

David Eddings - “There was a sudden, shocking sound that...” 1

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“I could insist that somebody take me to her so I can obey her orders.""I think you might choke on that one, Zakath," Silk said lightly. "Obey is a difficult concept for someone in your position.""He's an irritating little fellow, isn't he?" Zakath said to Garion."I've noticed.""Why, your Majesties," Velvet said, all wide-eyed innocence, "what a thing to suggest.""Well, isn't he?" Zakath said pointedly."Of course, but it's not nice to talk about it."Silk looked slightly offended. "Would you people like for me to go away so you can talk freely?""Oh, that won't be necessary, Kheldar," Velvet said with a dimpled smile.”

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“I note this hound of thine, Sir Knight," he said to Garion to ease them past an embarrassing moment, "a bitch, I perceive--""Steady," Garion said firmly to the she-wolf. "That is a very offensive term," she growled."He didn't invent it. It's not his fault.""...Canst thou perhaps, Sir Knight, identify her breed?""She is a wolf, my Lord," Garion told him."A wolf!" the baron exclaimed, leaping to his feet. "We must flee ere the fearsome beast fall upon us and devour us."It was a bit ostentatious, but sometimes thing like that impress people. Garion reached down and scratched the wolf's ears."...Ones advises that you stop that," the wolf told him, "unless you have a paw to spare.""You wouldn't!" he exclaimed, snatching his hand back."But you're not entirely sure, are you?" She bared her teeth almost in a grin.”

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