“I had kind of a midlife crisis at twenty which probably doesn’t augur well for my longevity”
“Are you turning into a cougar? Is this some sort of midlife crisis I need to be concerned about?”
“Semiotic was the form Zipperstein`s midlife crisis had taken... Instead of buying sports car, he'd bought deconstrution.”
“Could I be having a midlife crisis? Ahead of schedule. God, I'd just turned thirty-four. How batty would I be by fourty?”
“Though it doesn’t feel like it, crisis places us front and center of desire, which is the force of power.”
“What are your fees?" inquired Guyal cautiously. "I respond to three questions," stated the augur. "For twenty terces I phrase the answer in clear and actionable language; for ten I use the language of cant, which occasionally admits of ambiguity; for five, I speak a parable which you must interpret as you will; and for one terce, I babble in an unknown tongue.”