“Well O. the thing's sick. It's even sicker than 4. Was it 4? The one you said that Loach inspired, where you'd supposedly just that very day dropped out of Jesuit seminary after umpteen years of disciplined celibacy because of carno-spiritual yearnings you hadn't even been quite in touch with as carno-spiritual in nature until you just now this very moment laid eyes on the Subject? With the breviary and rented collar?’ 'That was 4, yes. 4's pretty much of a gynecopia also, but within a kind of narrower demographic psychological range of potential Subjects. Notice I never said 4 was no-miss.’ 'Well you must be a very proud young man. This is even sicker. The fake ring and fictional spouse. It's like you're inventing somebody you love just to seduce somebody else into helping you betray her. What's it like. It's like suborning somebody into helping you desecrate a tomb they don't know is empty.’ 'This is what I get for passing down priceless fruits of hard experience to somebody who still thinks it's exciting to shave.’ 'I ought to go. I have a blackhead I have to see to.’ 'You haven't asked why I called right back. Why I'm calling during high-toll hours.’ 'Plus I feel some kind of toothache starting, and it's the weekend, and I want to see Schacht before Mrs. Clarke's confectionery day in the sun tomorrow. Plus I'm naked.”
In this passage from David Foster Wallace's work, a conversation between two characters reveals a complex and twisted web of deception and manipulation. The speaker describes a previous situation where he pretended to have just left a Jesuit seminary in order to manipulate someone else into assisting him in his deceit. The use of elaborate lies and false personas to achieve one's goals is highlighted as a sick and twisted act, one that ultimately leads to betrayal and desecration. The dialogue showcases the intricacies of human relationships and the destructive power of deceit.
In this dialogue from David Foster Wallace's work, the characters discuss complex themes of manipulation, deception, and self-deception. The concept of creating a fake persona or relationship to achieve an ulterior motive can be seen in today's age of social media and digital communication. People often curate a carefully crafted image online to manipulate others or hide their true intentions. The dialogue also delves into the idea of seeking validation and connection through deceptive means, a behavior that is relevant in today's society where people may seek attention and approval through false means.
In this passage from David Foster Wallace's work, two characters are engaging in a conversation filled with clever wordplay and witty banter. The dialogue showcases Wallace's unique writing style and ability to create intricate and eccentric characters.
In this excerpt from David Foster Wallace's work, we see a conversation between two characters that delves into themes of deceit, manipulation, and self-deception. As you reflect on this dialogue, consider the following questions:
How do the characters' actions and words reflect the themes of deception and manipulation in the passage?
What do you think the author is trying to convey about the nature of relationships and personal identity through this exchange?
How does the dialogue between the characters challenge your understanding of honesty and authenticity in human interactions?
Reflect on the idea of self-deception and the ways in which the characters in the passage may be deceiving themselves. How does this impact their relationships with others?
How does the setting and tone of the conversation contribute to the overall themes of the passage?
Take some time to ponder these questions and explore the complexities of human relationships and self-awareness presented in this excerpt.
“looks like i'm gonna do everything myselfmaybe i could use some help but hell,you want something done right you gotta do it yourselfmaybe life is up and down but my life's been (what?)till now i crawled up your butt somehow and that'swhen things got turned around i used to be alivenow i feel pathetic and now i get it what's done is done you just leave it aloneand don't regret it but sometimes,some things turn into dumb thingsand that's when you put your foot down.why did i have to go and meet somebody like you (like you)why did you have to go and hurt somebody like me (like me)how could you do somebody like that?(like that) hope you know that i'm never coming back (never coming back)”
“It's hard to really look at somebody and go: "Hey, maybe something nice will happen." You just don't-- I know too much about life to have any optimism, because I know even if it's nice, it's going to lead to shit. I know that if you smile at somebody and they smile back, you've just decided that something shitty is going to happen.”
“I am what became of your child. I found an old baby picture of me. And it was somebody else, not me. It was somebody pink and fat who never heard of sick or lonely, somebody who cried and got fed,, and reached up and got held and kicked but didn't hurt anybody, and slept whenever she wanted to, just by closing her eyes. Somebody who mainly just laid there and laughed at the colors waving around over her head and chewed on a polka-dot whale and woke up knowing some new trick nearly every day and rolled over and drooled on the sheet and felt your hand pulling my quilt back up over me. That's who I started out and this is who is left. That's what this is about. It's somebody I lost, all right, it's my own self. Who I never was. Or who I tried to be and never got there. Somebody I waited for who never came. And never will. So, see, it doesn't much matter what else happens in the world or in this house, even. I'm what was worth waiting for and I didn't make it. Me...who might have made a difference to me...I'm not going to show up, so there's no reason to stay, except to keep you company, and that's...not reason enough because I'm not...very good company. Am I.”
“I don't know," I said. "Maybe you're right, and all that stuff I think I missed is overrated. Why should I even bother? What's the point really?"He thought for a moment. "Who says there has to be a point?" he asked. "Or a reason. Maybe it's just something you have to do."He moved down to start bagging while I just stood there, letting this sink in. Just something you have to do. No excuse or rationale necessary. I kind of like that.”
“What I mean is, lots of time you don't know what interests you most till you start talking about something that doesn't interest you most. I mean you can't help it sometimes. What I think is, you're supposed to leave somebody alone if he's at least being interesting and he's getting all excited about something. I like it when somebody gets excited about something. It's nice.”