“Oh, that most helpless and shameful of times in the life of my people, the time from dawn until the liquor stores open up!”
“Her soft pink lips, her sweet breath . . . oh, how my soul beckons hers.”
“From The Doctor's Latin Lover ... "That just hurt. Crippled. Oh, God, don't let him see how much. God heard her. The tropical sky, clear just minutes ago, darkened then wept, obscuring her tears."”
“I don't know how I got Michael. Maybe I just had a store credit from some other very lonely and shitty life.”
“When our eyes met in the compartment our spiritual fortitude deserted us both; I took her in my arms, she pressed her face to my breast, and tears flowed from her eyes. Kissing her face, her shoulders, her hands wet with tears--oh, how unhappy we were!--I confessed my love for her, and with a burning pain in my heart I realized how unnecessary, how petty, and how deceptive all that had hindered us from loving was. I understood that when you love you must either, in your reasonings about that love, start from what is highest, from what is more important than happiness or unhappiness, sin or virtue in their accepted meaning, or you must not reason at all.”