“I applied for the University of Life. Didn't get the grades.”
“I had the distinct feeling that the universe was out of whack and normal rules didn't apply. I sort of liked it.”
“How did I think of that?" I wondered. I didn't feel like I had thought of it. It's a sort of flow that happens when you are completely in the moment and not getting in your own way. Not trying so hard, not planning ahead, just getting out of your own head and letting the magic happen. You could apply this to any activity, of course. You could apply it to life.”
“I was obsessed. I wouldn't quit. My grades suffered. I didn't care.”
“Is he a sophomore?" Lydia says. "Please tell me he's in our grade.""I don't know," I say. "But weren't you there when he came to the office?" Peyton says."The secretary didn't get out her bullhorn and announce what grade he's in. She just took him to meet Headmaster Perkins.”
“I am embarrassed to admit what drew me to psychology. I didn't want to go to medical school. I was getting good grades in psychology and I was charismatic and people in the psychology department liked me. It was as low a level as that.”