“If you value your friendship with someone, you will always try to maintain that friendship at any cost. No matter what it is that has set you apart. Friends are hard to keep, and true friends are hard to find.”
“Friendship is so important. The goal of a good friendship should be for life! To keep it for life! If you find a friendship, and it gives you a joy inside, a peace, and a freedom; keep that friendship for life. Through it all, you stay together. So many friendships are toxic, but the good ones are really good! I always tell my son this, I always say, a friend is for life!”
“Do you keep silent to keep a friendship or do you try to lend your support unconditionally, even if what they are doing goes against everything you believe in? Will it be principles over friendship, morality over love?”
“Unreal friendship may turn to real But real friendship, once ended, cannot be mended”
“Friendship, like the immortality of the soul, is too good to be believed. When friendships are real, they are not glass threads or frost work but the solidest things we know.”