“..:Being a good kid in a bad circumstance, quite an experience. Infact, bad things happened to good people. Yet, what's of importance and of much value, is the way we react, behave, think and how we use such circumstances. Jut remember, in school, they teach you the lessons first then they give you the tests. Life gives you the tests first, for you to learn the lessons later. Learn to learn the lessons you need now. And don't be afraid to clean up the closet every now and then in order to have room for the new you are to bring in:..”
“Life is like a great teacher..... she will repeat the lesson until you learn.”
“Everything was a test. Or a lesson. Or a punishment from which he was supposed to learn a lesson, on which he would be tested later, and punished if he hadn't learned it.”
“The difference between school and life? In school, you're taught a lesson and then given a test. In life, you're given a test that teaches you a lesson.”
“Sending love letters to first-graders will teach them lessons in cursive. But writing back will test their commitment.”