“Love can come when you're already who you are, when you're filled with you. Not when you look to someone else to fill the empty space.”
“When you're happy for yourself, it fills you. When you're happy for someone else, it pours over.”
“..And if I'm looking for a definition of love then perhaps this is it. That another person can help fill the empty space inside us. Even when they're gone.”
“When you can see the love of God through your struggles and you don't need another person to fill a void, you're in a pretty good place.”
“But his face had that hollow look, as if there was something gone... you know that look. The inward focus. Distantly attentive to the home you're missing, or the someone you're missing. That look that a bird has when it turns it dry reptilian eye on you. That look that doesn't see you because the mind is filled up with someone it would rather see.”
“How far is too far? When you love a band so much that its songs fill the empty spaces inside your head and heart, is that too far?”