“Come home with me. I can’t leave you here like this.” This time her voice cracked.“My angel, you forget, you have to go make Mrs. Grandma her meal.” Blake ran the back of his bandaged hand down Livia’s cheek.“Please. I won’t be able to breathe from worrying about you.” Livia didn’t care how crazy she sounded.“I don’t think that’s prudent. I don’t want you bringing me home like a stray cat.” His defenses were climbing back up. She’d asked too much.“Okay. I’ll see you Monday then?” The words felt like sandpaper on glass. Rough and unwanted.“Yes, sweet Livia. I’ll be here. Have no worries.” He leaned down to press a kiss to her forehead.”

Debra Anastasia

Debra Anastasia - “Come home with me. I can’t leave you...” 1

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Debra Anastasia
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Debra Anastasia
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“So many people had tried for Blake, but so many had failed. All it takes is one to be the glue. It’s going to be me. Livia moved quietly to straddle him. She put her hands on his scruffy cheeks. “I know all that you are. You almost don’t belong here, your soul’s so pure.” Livia put a hand on his chest. “You’re perfect to me. You’re chivalrous to me. I adore your manners. You can’t disappoint me. It’s not possible.” Livia leaned in and kissed him sweetly. See? See how much I can fix?Blake became absorbed by her hair, grabbing handfuls of it. He pulled her to his chest, combing it out with his fingers as he hummed a soothing song in her ear. The liquid velvet of his voice lifted her into dreams.”

Debra Anastasia
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Debra Anastasia
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“Whoever said marriage is boring didn’t marry you!” Livia kissed his cheek. “Thank you for that.”Blake kissed her forehead. “That was okay for you?”“No, that made my orgasms have orgasms, so it was anything but okay.” She smiled.Blake propped himself up on an elbow to stroke her face. “My beautiful wife, welcome to forever.”Livia’s eyes filled with grateful tears.Blake brushed them away. “Now you cry? After I’ve made love to you?”“It’s just that you’re the kindest person in the world. And you’re here with me. I’ll never stop feeling lucky.” She burrowed her face into his warm hug. She felt his kiss on her hair.“Livia, the luck belongs to me,” he whispered. “The kindness belongs to you. One lifetime will never be enough for us.”

Debra Anastasia
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