“Eve let go of a rope she’d clung to for too long. And she fell. She fell right into him. Wrong or right, she gave up judging. Her lips found his, and he kissed her gently, not demanding any more than she was willing to offer.Eve added her tongue, exploring his taste. She grabbed the back of his neck with one hand and traced his gunshot wounds with her other. He let her lead.My call. Kill him or love him. He’ll allow either.Beckett smiled into her kiss when she started to shudder and fidget. She’d chosen passion.“Are you sure?” He made her look at him.She could only nod. Together they took off her leather armor. Then just before she could straddle him, Beckett stopped her.“Shit! Hold on. Let me get rid of this. My luck I’ll blow my balls off right fucking now.” Beckett put the gun on the floor and kicked it away.Eve put her knees on either side of his hips.She held herself just out of his reach and broke her last mental barriers. Then she slammed down on top of him with such force, she was sure Beckett was glad she had such impeccable aim.”

Debra Anastasia

Debra Anastasia - “Eve let go of a rope she’d clung to...” 1

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