“He’d stood like a baby deer. He lurched toward her with no grace at all. She enclosed him in a hug that was so much better than a restraint. She’d patted his head just like a mother. Like a mother who cared.Cole’s body had heaved with tears. She kept hugging him. She handed his heart back the dreams it had thrown away.“That’s it, sweetheart. Let it out.” She rubbed his back.Her shirt was soaked by the time he stopped crying. They sat down together again.“I’ve read your file,” Mrs. D said. “What your parents did to you was terrible. It was a horrible, horrible mistake. You should’ve been cherished. You should’ve been treated like the beautiful little boy you are. They were wrong, Cole.” She held his hand. “I’m sorry for what they did to you.”Cole’s mind had flashed with images from his time before Evergreen. The cage. The belt. The drugs. They still made him feel scared.“You’re going to make it. You’ll be a great, thoughtful, proud man. I can see it. I know it as sure as I know my name.” She wouldn’t let go of his hand.“I’m always awful. How can you know that?” Cole’s voice remained thick with tears.“I’ve been doing this job for twenty-five years. I know a good one when I see him.”

Debra Anastasia

Debra Anastasia - “He’d stood like a baby deer. He...” 1

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Kimberly Derting
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Kimberly Derting
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