“Livia, when I count to three, I want to you to run into the trees,” Blake whispered. “And keep running. Promise me.” He sounded calm and determined.“Absolutely not.” Livia turned from their escape route. “I’m never leaving you.”“Livia, please.” Blake squeezed her hand and tried to force her in the right direction.She squeezed right back.”

Debra Anastasia

Debra Anastasia - “Livia, when I count to three, I want...” 1

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Debra Anastasia
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“Me? I want you to be sure." he said."You," Livia whispered. "Me." His eyes were full of intent. "Always you." Livia gave him her biggest, heartfelt smile. "Five hundred." Blake touched her face as if she might be a mirage and smiled back only when she didn't disappear.”

Debra Anastasia
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“Wave after wave of an orgasm broke over her, but soon it would be over for him. “Stop,” Livia panted.Blake paused as Livia swallowed to try to compose herself. She was here for a reason. “The mask. Take it off. I want you to kiss me.” Livia watched his eyes. He was scared.“Blake, you’re inside of me. I’ll keep you safe. You’re inside of me.” Livia squeezed him again, reminding him exactly where he was.Blake smiled at the sensation. “Do it for me, Livia. Please.”And even though they were naked and locked in the most intimate embrace, this was the striptease.Livia went slowly, rolling up the knit ski mask like a stocking. First his jaw came into the light. Livia slowed, tracing its strong line with her finger. Next, his lips lost their frame, then his eyes left their prison. He closed them. Finally, his wild, messy hair was free. Livia tossed the mask aside. And waited.Open your eyes.After a moment Blake looked around his sunny meadow. A breeze stirred the trees high up, and they released a shower of fall colors. In the silence of the day, the leaves hitting the ground sounded like applause. Quiet applause for a quiet victory.The o in sorry vanished.Blake looked at Livia beneath him. She smiled.“Five hundred ninety-eight,” he whispered.Still counting. “Yes! Yes. I knew you could do this. I knew you could do this.” Livia beamed with pride.Blake blurred as her eyes became two pools of tears. He kissed her softly, but Livia wanted the rough thrusts back.She pulled away and wiped her eyes. “Giddy up!” Livia spanked Blake playfully.He gave a little chuckle before he put her out of her misery. If she thought he was going fast and hard before, she was wrong. Blake was almost done when he let Livia’s leg slip from his shoulder. He kissed her with his clever tongue and moaned loudly into her mouth.”

Debra Anastasia
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