“Not that believing such things has anything to do with whether they are true. You see that, don't you?”
“Do you really believe in what you said or wrote – in the thing that’s bringing criticism? And if I do believe it, I can withstand anything.”
“I have since learned that the most mature believer is the one who is bent over, leaning most heavily on the Lord, and admitting his total inability to do anything without Christ. The greatest Christian is not the one who has achieved the most but rather the one who has received the most.”
“Christians believe that God came amongst us as a man, do they not? Yet the Muselmen say he was only a prophet, and that God has no name...We fight and kill each other so readily, yet if I had been born in the East, would I not believe the stories they believe, and if they had been born here, would they not be Christians?”
“My lord," catherine asked,her eyes wide, "do you think that has anything to do with the Ramsay curse?""Actually, that hadn't occurred to me yet," Leo said, "thank you so much for bringing it to my attention.”